Day Fourteen
The alpha testers have done their job well and found a few bugs:
Mini triangles can still shoot (and kill you) after the game ends lol
Menu music carries on playing through the level turns out someone just had the game running twice
There’s a different bug when you win and lose at the same time. Yes, apparently that happened again… Clearly not quite as rare as I expected!
Unavoidable damage happens if the first or second phase lasers shoot from the edge of the ring, so I’ll need to make sure the boss is centred for those attacks
Some visual bugs
It’s not all bad though, it seems like the difficulty is pretty good. It’s taking people around 30 minutes to clear, which is bang on what I’m expecting.
Did I actually fix any of those bugs today?
No. No I did not.
It’s been one of those days.
What’s next?
Ordering a new phone 😉
I need to fix those pesky bugs and get a beta test ready for the weekend.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo: