Day Fifteen

The alpha test continues. The phone is still very dead.

I managed to fix most of the issues people have found so far, and a few tweaks have been made to the balance of the boss - the biggest one is that when aiming, it now predicts where you’re going to be for this one attack. It was way too easy without this, and it adds a nice little bit of chaotic energy that I quite like.

It isn’t particularly sophisticated, it just takes an average of the change in angle over 10 frames, and adds that to your current angle. It uses the angle instead of the position so I can convert it back into a position that is always on the ring, so the targeting never predicts an impossible position.

I’ve also cleaned up a few little things - in the gif you can see that the “tell” renders over some of the triangles in the hexagon, which looks a bit crap. There’ll be another polish phase much further down the road, but I can sort little bits like that now!

What’s next?

I’m almost ready to push this out to beta, I just need to spend a couple of hours tomorrow fixing up the new win screen.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

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Day Sixteen


Day Fourteen