Day Forty Six

Yesterday I said I’d make the new logo into some proper key art. Today, hey look I’ve actually done it! ;)

Wow that embedded large 😂 I’m really pleased with this, there were a few other options, but this one is definitely my favourite.

This, hopefully, will get me a few more clicks. The old one just wasn’t performing well enough - it’s a shame to let go, it’s pretty iconic now, but it’s for the best.

I don’t honestly have much hope for the rest of the ID@Xbox demo fest, because they have de-listed the event from the store?! There is absolutely no way to view this as an event on the Xbox now, which is absurd. What is the point of having a discoverability event with no discoverability? I’ll cut my rant short here, I’ve been fuming about this all day and I could carry on for hours 😂 suffice to say I’ve made my thoughts known to everyone I can contact at Xbox - the only response I’ve had was “there was a collection up but you can also find them under the Demo's section in the store”. Yeah, I know there was a collection on the store, that was the whole point of the event. Argh. Hopefully it’ll be sorted over the weekend, but if not that’s a huge loss.

What’s next?

Key art is done and I’ve lost all hope for the ID@Xbox Demo Fest, so onwards to finishing the Triangle Twins!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Forty Seven


Day Forty Five