Day Forty Seven

Finally fixed the issue with sticky bullets! Argh, it was just a case of using gameObject.activeInHierarchy instead of activeSelf - there is some code to continue rendering bullets after the object has been disabled, but if the object is re-enabled it should skip that code. It was checking if the object itself was active, and in this case it was the parent that was disabled. Update doesn’t run in that case, so the bullets don’t move - but the renderer hasn’t been disabled. Now it checks all parent objects, and it works perfectly. That was a useful brainwave at 5:30am!

I’m a little concerned with how slow I’ve been with content - so much has had to take precedence over the last couple of weeks, I haven’t managed to get much done. Most of today was spent working out how to deliver that content. Most of the time I just dive straight in and get on it, but I wanted to take a step back since that doesn’t really work when I don’t particularly enjoy something… And I’m getting to the point where I don’t enjoy having to do more content 🫠 this has been a two year project, a bit of burnout and “I really just want to work on something else” is entirely natural - but I really have to get this done now.

So here’s my challenge - starting next week, I have to get two new content gifs out for you every single week. One on Wednedsay, one on Saturday. If I don’t manage this, you have my full permission to bully me on Discord! But there’s no time like the present to actually start doing that, so I present to you:

What’s next?

The competition ends on Monday so I’ll likely have a day of sorting prizes for that. But the general aim now is content - I’ve got a bunch of content to do over the next few weeks, the aim is to get all of the content done by the middle of August.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Forty Eight


Day Forty Six