Day Eighty Two

Today did not quite go as planned - I have worked on Polyfury for just 30 minutes 🙃

I’ve spent that time cleaning up the last bits of the heptagram - as you can see from the gif below it’s… it’s not easy. We’re getting to the point where these bosses require active planning, and my brain isn’t very good at that 😉

You don’t get much of a break with this boss, there are a bunch of overlapping bullets and even new bomb types - those heptagram bombs have really strong tracking, but it gets disabled as soon as you enter the circle. The big line of bullets can be dodged entirely, but it requires forward thinking - you’ve gotta make sure you’re on the correct side, otherwise you’ve got a complex and randomised weave to do.

Suffice to say, I’m currently getting hit a LOT. Like, a lot a lot. It’s gonna take some more work to bring the difficulty to like, achievable levels - this boss is supposed to be difficult, but this is the start of the fight and it is just crackers currently!

What’s next?

I’m gonna take a little bit more time to nail this one. Final bosses now, they need to be great. I mean, the first bosses also need to be great, but we’re coming from the highs of the Triangle Twins here 😂

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Eighty Three


Day Eighty One