Day Eighty Three

I’ve done about 12 hours work on this game today, what a way to spend the bank holiday! 😂 I will be so glad when it’s done and I can have a life again…

It doesn’t feel like I’ve done 12 hours work because I have needed to spend an awfully long time balancing, tweaking, and fixing things I broke with other little tasks. Oops. Turns out the triangle twins really don’t like being constrained to a specific order!

I did manage to fix the visual issues that have plagued the heptagram’s arrow form though - here’s a gif:

I could not get those damn arrow heads to align to the direction they were travelling. Usually, that’s really easy - either transform.up = direction or transform.forward = direction, but no. Not this time apparently. Stupid euler angles. Here’s the final code for doing that:

var finalPos = RotatePointAroundPivot(-arrow.position,, _player.eulerAngles * 0.1f);
arrow.LookAt(finalPos, Vector3.up);
arrow.Rotate(Vector3.right, 90);
var dir = Vector3.Cross((finalPos-arrow.position).normalized, Vector3.up);

Absolutely cursed, I have no idea why it needs that extra rotation at the end. Ignore the magic float there, too.

Not only was the arrow movement scuffed, but these bullet walls have been a nightmare to make sure they both move towards the player and are actually, you know, dodgeable and fun. I almost gave up with the randomisation entirely! There’s one point towards the end of the fight with three simultaneous walls. This sort of thing is the part of game dev I have found that I loathe the most 😂

Anyway, 12 hours later and I’ve got a really intense, fun battle. With an extra surprise at the end. However, I’ve broken all the lasers so I’m gonna have to fix that before a new build goes out 🙃

What’s next?

Fix the lasers - probably won’t be done tomorrow, so we’re looking at Wednesday for a new build. I’ve also got to sort some things on the Xbox admin side, and sort the next two bosses.

In two weeks.

With a nasty cold.


I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Eighty Four


Day Eighty Two