Day Ninety Seven

Polyfury is in review! 🎉

Today I have… done 20 hours of work in a single day. That’s not good. I didn’t want to crunch on this project, but alas - Xbox stuff has been STINKY. Also, when you do an all nighter then 20 hours of work, you make mistakes. Big dumb mistakes that end up costing enough time to make a nap worth it. Don’t do what I do.

Today’s big dumb mistake was that I missed something wrapped in #if !UNITY_EDITOR - which means the code only runs in a build. This is great for all of the Xbox stuff that stops it running in the editor, means I can test much more quickly without having to build every time, but when there’s a bug there it is VERY difficult to figure out… I must’ve made 30+ builds today alone, each one taking upwards of 5 minutes. That’s 2 and a half hours just sat waiting for Unity to chug along. I haven’t felt this frustrated with game development for a long time, and I will be incredibly happy to put Windows in the bin, boot up a nice fresh Linux install, and do away with Microsoft entirely. I doubt I’ll be making another Xbox game, but it was on my game dev bucket list so it’s pretty cathartic to have that almost ticked off!

What’s next?

Tomorrow I sleep, I email press, and I make a new trailer. Also play the game intensely for the majority of the day.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Ninety Eight


Day Ninety Six