Day Ninety Eight

Polyfury Xbox is ✨ delayed ✨ for a couple of weeks. There are extra steps I wasn't aware of. It's frustrating, but I hope not the end of the world…

Today I fixed a few audio issues, the octagon no longer plays upbeat cheerful tetrapod music after the big epic intro!

Most of the work, though, was on the trailer. I got most of the way there myself, but NotQuiteCool on Discord helped out with the last little bit and it looks AWESOME. I'll update this post in the morning with a gif, it looks like I can't do that on Squarespace's mobile app and I forgot to post 😂

It has been a busy, intense few days. I really don't recommend working for 20 hours in a single day. But my body has held together and I didn't spend the whole day in front of the computer today. I did some housework, spent some time with the family, actually lived in the real world. That sort of thing.

What’s next?

Tomorrow will be mostly spent putting together a proper press kit. It's something I've put off for a while, but I can't do that any more! I need full res screenshots, I need massive GIFs, I need fact sheets and logos and each shape individually as a transparent PNG. Then, I'll be starting (a week late oops) the dreaded content creator/press email slog.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Ninety Nine


Day Ninety Seven