Day Forty One

Fixes submitted to Xbox certification! And it all passed through nice and quickly, too, so the update is live. I enabled the new win screen, too, here’s a look at that:

I’ve been putting off doing the two little fixes I need to for a little while now, because I hate that sort of thing… There was an issue with the event system, so it never selected the “Continue” button or any of the buttons afterwards (which was actually the same issue that prevented Xbox users from doing anything after finishing the game, oops). There was also another really minor one that stopped the score pickup count & PB from working properly, which was fixed by… adding one to a number 🫠

There are a couple of other really tiny things that I’ve noticed since that all went live - e.g. the first time you beat a boss, your “time” PB shows as the max float value. I should hide that when you haven’t already got a PB. Plus, the score starts at 0 before ticking up, and should start at the score you get before the time multiplier. However, they aren’t really a major concern at this point and I don’t think I’ll be able to get another version through cert before the competition starts, so it can stay like that for now!

What’s next?

I need to send a bunch of emails on Monday, which is going to take up most of my dev time, but there’ll be more triangle content soon.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Forty Two


Day Forty