Day Forty

Day 40! We’re almost halfway through the challenge. This demo event has taken a lot of time, but after this weekend I’ll be back to content content content.

Today, though, I really struggled - I’ve got some intense toothache from a filling that was put in recently, that has made it difficult to concentrate on anything at all. I also had an incredibly long and exhausting day at work, so it’s a miracle I managed to open Polyfury on my lunch break and get anything done at all…

But do that I did. And I spent a good 30 minutes staring at the screen doing very little, distracted by pain and a loud, high pitched beeping sound coming from outside that eventually made me want to throw up. It has been a goooooood day 🙃

Oh, but I did manage to actually make the UI for the font slider - it is no longer ugly Unity default slider, it now has the same design as all the other toggles 🎉 this was not any of the things that I needed to do or fix, but I think there’s still time for me to get it into Xbox cert again tomorrow.

I’d have written this a good couple of hours earlier, but the GMTK Jam started - and because I have no concept of the phrase “biting off more than you can chew”, I’m helping moderate it. The theme is Roles Reversed, which is in my humble opinion a really great theme that I definitely had no input on at all no sir.

I am tired, I’m gonna go sleep - and yes it is just after 7pm, but I have been awake since 4am 😂

What’s next?

Hopefully submitting some fixes into Xbox cert tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Forty One


Day Thirty Nine