Day Fifty Eight

I’ve done some work on the Steam page, a new trailer, and a couple of other things surrounding marketing. I’m not going to do the alpha through Steam, but I am going to do the beta through Steam because there’s a new “playtest” thing that I’m going to take advantage of. Everyone on the Discord will have first dibs at access 😁 I’ll be retiring the ol’ faithful “polyfury_medely.gif” very soon, in favour of several new shiny gifs that are just better in every way, and are more representative of the game. Here it is one last time, I know how many times you’ve seen it and for that I can only apologize!

Farewell old friend. I used you way too often.

I’ll be distributing the alpha through Discord as usual - that does mean I’ve now got to turn off some things that I did for this demo, oops! But that’s necessary anyway, I’ll also be doing builds for Itch and Xbox so I definitely need the ability to do platform specific stuff like that.

I’ve been playing a LOT of the triangle twins. There are bugs and issues to sort out tomorrow, and I won’t have resolved them all, but damn this is a good level. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

What’s next?

Alpha tomorrow, probably later on in the day :)

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Fifty Nine


Day Fifty Seven