Day Eighty Nine

I’ve done a bunch more of that “final launch window” polish now, I’ve got key rebinding, window modes, vsync options, and look at this big resolution dropdown!

Now, I love Unity UI. It’s basically 80% of what I do for my day job. Unity’s idea of a dropdown is just nonsense - it sucks so much. It was literally easier for me to build my own rather than hack together something that works with the Unity one. I don’t understand why they’ve done it that way, it is not consistent with any of the other UI prefabs… argh. Rant over!

In other news, I’ve got a new alpha that I’m distributing via Steam key! If you backed Polyfury on Kickstarter, keep an eye on your email over the next day or so.

What’s next?

This week is annoyingly going to be a bit of a slower one for Polyfury dev. Over the next few days, I’ll chip away at some more tetrapod and octagon, and fix any issues found in the alpha.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

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Day Ninety


Day Eighty Eight