Day Eighty Eight

Today I have worked for a good 14 hours… And I managed to get more than half of the Tetrapod boss done! That means I’ve only really got a bit of cleanup & the final level to do now, which puts me in a REALLY good place for being ready on time. I’m really pleased with my progress today.

I’ve even managed to put together a new medely gif to replace that other one I keep posting everywhere 😉

It needs a little bit of polish - some zooms and pans to make it feel a bit more dynamic, but it definitely gets the breadth of content across much better than the old one.

The Tetrapod has been pretty fun to work on too, it has been really nice to just get my head down and work solidly on one boss in one day. Bulletfury really is a great piece of tech, and it will be nice to get some solid tool work done on it after Polyfury. Now I’ve basically finished a game with it, I know exactly what sort of things are missing. Just a ton of quality of life features, I’ll be making a full custom editor that has bullet previews and pattern chains built in. Plus it won’t have the 1023-bullets-per-manager limit, nor will it be restricted to one type of bullet on each manager. I’m gonna have LOTS of fun with that one.

What’s next?

Finishing off the tetrapod and throwing a new alpha version out there. There’s some polish on the triangles and heptagram to do too, but it’s nice to be almost content complete.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Eighty Nine


Day Eighty Seven