Day Twenty Four

Today I’ve done a little bit of work on the Triangle Twins again. This is a boss that shifts forms quite frequently, and in a cyclical pattern - until you defeat one of the triangles, the phases aren’t based on health! Luckily, everything I build is completely overengineered, so that slots in quite nicely. The boss phase controller for this one only has a single phase - the rest is controlled through different objects being enabled and disabled. The phases themselves can be anything, they just have to implement the OnPhaseStart and OnPhaseEnd methods, and call PhaseComplete when they’re done. For this, I’ve built a little state machine into the phase itself, which happily controls switching between the different states:

  • Hexagram: the Triangle Twins join together to form a solid hexagram, and favour speedy contact attacks. They’ll be zipping around the screen and trying their best to smash into you

  • Flexagram: the Twins are still joined together, but rotate independently. This is somewhat of a transitional phase, and features centralised attacks that make pretty patterns.

  • Independent Triangles: the Twins separate, and favour area-denial attacks. These attacks are a mix of indepentent and coordinated attacks.

This once again feels completely different from the other bosses - the Square is a standard introduction to the mechanics. There’s an easy phase, and a hard phase with sped up attacks. All of the attacks happen one after the other. The Pentagon moves around a lot, and when it changes form it has shields and patterns that can happen together. The Hexagon has three phases, and creates little sub-enemies. I think we’ve managed to make it so they all “feel” completely different, which I’m incredibly happy with tbh!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

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Day Twenty Five


Day Twenty Three