Day Sixty Three
Hello from the past - I hope the future is good. This is one of a couple of scheduled posts that I’ve written just in case I’m ill/there’s a family emergency/I don’t have any internet at all. I hope I’m never in a position where I have no internet at all, that would suck.
Since this could be posted ✨ at any time ✨ I won’t be able to tell you about specific content… So how about that bloom huh?
You may have noticed that the bloom has some interesting texture - it’s something you can turn off in the settings, under “bloom dirt”. Bloom dirt is usually used to make the bloom a little more realistic. You’d usually use a static texture like this:
Polyfury doesn’t need any of this silly realism malarkey. We render 2D shapes in better-than-real-life quality, abusing HDR, perspective, and a bunch of other things - realism is boring, we can do so so much better.
This “dirt texture” property is just a Texture2D, it’s usually just a static texture like the above that aims to make your camera feel a bit more realistic. That means so long as we can output to a Texture2D, we can do whatever we like with it! Rendertextures acutally work pretty well for this, so that’s what I use here. I was lazy, and I’ve just got another camera hooked up to a render texture that only renders a quad. That quad has a simple shader that samples voronoi noise a few times, and multiplies it with some colour to give it this nice effect:
It’s most noticable when there’s a laser, but it also gives bright bullets a bit of extra texture. I did originally try it with a static texture, but it felt incredibly… static 😂 it’s fine for bullets because they move, but on lasers like the screenshot above, it felt really weird. A bit of movement in the texture worked wonders!
What’s next?
Who knows, maybe another scheduled post, maybe I’m back. I’ve probably posted something on Discord!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo: