Wayfarer Games

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Day Sixty One

A bit more polish today, we reach our final holiday destination shortly so I won’t be doing this on the road! One of the other things I’ve been doing while mobile is a bit of research into events to submit Polyfury into, plus I've been brainstorming some more marketing ideas.

I think I've come up with something great, but it's a bit more of a last-ditch effort 😂 we'll have to see how it pans out. I'm not overly worried, I know I've tried quite a few different things and they haven't worked - I hope this serves a good lesson to anyone reading this who is having a similar situation.

Marketing is hard, and there are a ton of failures. That's ok! It's all part of the process, and this is why I always say your first game is going to suck. Make sure it's not your "dream game", you don't want to make all your mistakes when the stakes are high. You’re going to have a few big failures where you’re convinced something is going to be great, but external circumstances ruin things. I’m definitely not bitter about the 2023 id@xbox summer demo fest, no sir.

You’ll get a better feeling for what will work the more you do this. You pick up on trends, you know where your money will be wasted (Twitter (or I guess “X”) ads are not ever worth it trust me, I’ve made that mistake for you). This is all part of the process, and it’s the same for most things in life. The people you look up to have probably failed more times than you’ve even tried!

Speaking of failing, here's another fun tweet that didn't really get seen 😂

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Oh, also, happy birthday me 🎉

What’s next?

Hopefully uploading an alpha ;)

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

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