Wayfarer Games

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Day Ninety Nine

The penultimate day! There’s only one day left of this challenge, one more blog post to write. One more major panic at 8pm because I haven’t written my post.

I’ve got a big postmortem post in the works for tomorrow, I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know, but for now here’s a roundup of what I did today:

  • died a little inside because the Xbox build consistently crashed, but only on the Master build with submission encryption enabled. Pain. Unity doesn’t write logs when it builds like this, so that was another few hours lost!

  • set up ads for the trailer, replaced the Steam trailer

  • minor tweaks to the octagon

  • beat the Gauntlet with 27 million points, which is amazing and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do it again

  • sent some emails

  • finally made the credits screen

  • looked at my presskit, died a little bit inside, and gave in to exhaustion and had a nap

As you can see, even with the game technically “done”, there is still a lot to do! Tomorrow is going to be almost entirely writing, and I’m no good at that. I’m dreading it a little.

What’s next?

Tomorrow I have posts to write and the presskit to do. I really really need to do the presskit, and the press release.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

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