Day Forty Three

The competition has begun! We’ve had a good hundred or so people download the game so far - it’s early days, but a good start. More people have joined the Discord server than the whole previous demo fest, so I’m pretty happy there!

Big thanks to @UKDazarusV2 for streaming the game on Twitch - it was great fun to hang out this evening. Good luck getting that controller 😉

The emails and Twitter messages have continued throughout the day. I’m probably not going to be able to do any code or design work, but marketing is still development I swear!

It’s just as exhausting, if not more. I have discovered a few issues though, which I’m going to try to address tomorrow!

Here’s my list:

  • sometimes the music cuts out. That’s no fun, the music is one of the best things about the game :(

  • the “submit score” button is not obvious, so I’m just gonna automatically add scores to the leaderboard on xbox for now. I’ll work out some better UI/UX later!

  • permanent googly eyes. Yeah, it’s finally happening!

  • the game is too difficult. Like, way too difficult. It’s taking new players upwards of an hour just to beat the square - let alone the pentagon and the hexagon! The general aim is for it to take 15-30 mins to beat the square, with new players being able to consistently beat the pentagon after less than an hour of play. It shouldn’t take long to make a few little tweaks, but I think it’ll make the game much more approachable, and the final three bosses can be the real challenge!

What’s next?

Making those tweaks and hopefully getting it submitted again in the next day or two.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Forty Four


Day Forty Two