Wayfarer Games

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Day Forty Four

Day two of the ID@Xbox Demo Fest, and we’re on a little over 200 players. Now I’ve made the leaderboard auto submit, I’m actually seeing some more names pop up on the leaderboard - which is giving me a little bit of hope 😂

I fixed a good few things today, but the majority of the work I did on the game was actually updating the version of Bulletfury it uses - I was on old BF code that I last updated 18 months ago… The new version is SO much better, fixes a ton of bugs, and runs a good chunk faster in a lot of cases. It’s also less reliant on the render pipelines. It’s an upgrade I’ve been meaning to do for ages, but actually setting aside some time for it when there’s so much else to do is tough! And what better time to do it than the middle of a competition where I’m expecting a few thousand people to play over the weekend 🫠

One of the things it improves is the pentagon star attack - it’s now an actual pentagram, look!

No more weird bendy pentagram because it’s rotating.

I have actually found two bugs - on the square boss, one single bullet in one of the attacks in the second phase consistently breaks rank. Plus, sometimes bullets stick around between phase changes… I’ll get those cleaned up soon.

What’s next?

Fixing those two bugs is my main priority for tomorrow!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

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