Wayfarer Games

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Day Fifty Three

Bad news today! No alpha, sorry - I’m delaying the twins by a whole week because I feel like crap 🫠 I’ve been up at 3am every day for a week and boy did it hit me today. I did a little bit of work - I’m actually implementing a bunch of Steam stuff (no more manual input leaderboards, I can leave name moderation to Steam 🎉) and will be attempting to run future alphas and betas through that rather than a sketchy zip download, but I’m just so tired it has been slow going.

I do have another gif for you though! It’s a meaner, denser, faster version of the Square’s attack - there’s even a tiny little bit of movement prediction code in there to make it extra spicy.

What’s next?

Tomorrow is my day off, hopefully I recover some sleep and manage to chip away at some work over the next few days.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

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