Wayfarer Games

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Day Fifty Six

Most of the major changes have been done for the twins! Honestly I’m super happy with the way this boss is feeling at the minute - there’s a lot of stress, and these double patterns are just a ton of fun to play around. I died in this attempt, but that’s only because I wasn’t paying attention while getting up to this point 😂

This is the first time in a while that I’ve really had fun doing the busy work in this game. This is my favourite fight by quite a long way now (though there’s still work to be done - there are two patterns left that are feeling “meh”), and the game is just feeling so much more “complete” - we’re getting to the point where it’s a full package, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s incredibly motivating.

I’m not gonna lie, this past two years have been… draining 😂 there have been whole months where I’ve not wanted to touch game development at all (let alone development for this game in particular), this project has burned me out multiple times. There are still a few hurdles to overcome, and there’s still a bunch of content to churn through, but I’m getting more adjusted to the content grind now. Plus these last few bosses will actually be challenging to play against, which means I won’t keep thinking “this is too easy, gotta redesign everything” even though everyone keeps telling me it’s incredibly difficult 🫠

The big thing that I’m really dreading is the marketing. I have barely scratched the surface, and I’ve had a lot of failed attempts/wasted money. I’m not out of ideas for it, but after the miserable failure that was the ID@Xbox Demo Showcase it’s pretty tough. In theory, though, Steam should be much easier to market for. The PC gaming community is much more active, and there are a ton of avenues of promo that I can take.

For now though, back to the content grind.

What’s next?

I didn’t manage to get the Steam stuff done today because I was having so much fun working on (and playing…) the game. I’ll have to deal with that during the rest of the week.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

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