Day Fifty Five

I have a little bit more energy today 🎉 enough to finish up the Steamworks integration and make a couple of little juice/balance tweaks to the triangle twins. They’re in a much better place now, I’ll have a much bigger update for you tomorrow when I get to spend the whole day working on Polyfury, but for now:

Look at that, content a day early 😉 I’ll have more to show tomorrow! I’ve also got a new process for making attack gifs like this with no new UI.

Not bad for 30 mins of work eh?

What’s next?

Tomorrow I’ll be doing a lot more of the juicy polish stuff I think. I also need to sort out running the alpha/beta through Steam.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Polyfury progress. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading, and maybe check out the demo:

Making your own games? Check out Artificer Pro!


Day Fifty Six


Day Fifty Four